30 Insults in Spanish You Should Know!

Learning a foreign language requires not only expressing yourself as a native speaker but also understanding what people are saying in a wide variety of contexts.

One of the situations that are less explained in Spanish lessons is arguments and discussions.

If you are interested in knowing how Spaniards may curse when they are angry, this is definitely the post you are searching for because here you will find 30 insults in Spanish that you need to know!

Insults in Spanish

1. Soplagaitas

Spanish insults are very common and varied.

In fact, even when Spaniards are joking they use lots of insults.

Soplagaitas is used to refer to someone hard to take but it literally means ‘someone who blows the gaita’.

You should know that a gaita is a traditional musical instrument from Galicia.

2. ¡Vete a la mierda!

If you simply want to know how do you say ‘go fuck yourself’ in Spanish, you need to memorize ¡Vete a la mierda!

It is one of the common Spanish sayings that locals use to mean that when they are very angry and they aim to end up with an argument.

3. Más seco que un bocadillo de polvorones

On of the best funny Spanish insults of the country is Eres más seco que un bocadillo de polvorones.

Polvorones are Christmas pastries that Spaniards smash to get a thought cookie.

As a result, it gets hard and dry and you need to drink some water to be able to eat it properly.

Eres más seco que un bocadillo de polvorones can be translated as ‘You are drier than a sandwich filled with polvorones’.

The meaning of seco, referring to people, in Spanish is unkind.

That’s why when someone is rude, you can tell them that.

4. ¡Qué te den!

If you want to know how to curse in Spanish, you just need to learn by heart ¡Qué te den!

This is a synonym of the English  ‘Go fuck yourself!’

As happens with ¡Vete a la mierda! this expression is commonly used to end up with a discussion abruptly.

Probably, nobody is going to say anything else after that.

5. Animal vestido de persona

Some insults in Spanish are useful to let others know how inappropriate their behaviour is.

Animal vestido de persona means ‘You are an animal dressed like a person’.

As you may notice, this Spanish expression can be used when someone is being uncivil.

6. Eres más tonto que mear a contraviento

Funny insults in Spanish to let your friends know how dumb they are may be easily found on the Internet.

One of my favourite ones is Eres más tonto que mear a contraviento and it can be translated as ‘You’re dumber than pissing against the wind’.

7. Cara de limón podrido

If someone is looking down on you, you may definitely need this insult in Spanish.

You just need to tell him or her cara de limón podrido, which can be translated as ‘Rotten lemon face’.

There is no doubt about the fact that his or her face is going to be even more disgusting after hearing that!

8. Hueles a perro mojado

Mean things to say in Spanish can be used to hurt those who are annoying to you.

If someone is not taking good care of his or her hygiene and you want to make them aware of that, you can just say hueles a perro mojado.

These kinds of funny Spanish sentences are common among young people, especially when they have been practising some sport.

Its translation is ‘You smell like a wet dog’.

9. Tobogán de piojos

This is definitely one of the funny Spanish sentences to insult someone you have a great relationship with.

Tobogán de piojos can be literally translated as ‘lice slide’ and it denotes that someone is very dirty and even lice do not want to be with him or her.

10. Eres más tonto que el retrovisor de la bici estática

Some insults in Spanish to make someone aware of his or her dumbness are quite original. 

This is precisely what happens when you say eres más inútil que el retrovistor de la bici estática.

The significance of this hilarious Spanish saying is ‘you are more useless than the rear view of the static bike’.

11. Eres tan feo que cuando picas cebolla es ella la que llora

It is easy to find funny sentences in Spanish to say ‘you are ugly’ in an original way.

For example, saying eres tan feo que cuando picas cebolla es ella la que llora means ‘when you chop onions it’s the onion the one who cries’

12. Tienes la cara perfecta… para salir por la radio

What is Spain known for is the great sense of humour of its locals.

Ending a sentence in an unexpected way may be the key to being hilarious.

This is precisely what happens when you say tienes la cara perfecta… para salir en la radio.

The translation of this funny Spanish insult is ‘You have the perfect face… to work on the radio’

13. Yo no soy antisocial, soy anti estúpidos como tú

Most beautiful places in Spain may seem less special when sharing them with uncivil people.

If it is precisely what you are going through, here you have the best Spanish way to explain why you are behaving as if you do not want to be accompanied.

Yo no soy antisocial, soy anti estúpidos como tú mean ‘I’m not antisocial, I’m anti stupids like you’.

They won’t probably keep disturbing you after saying that.

14. A veces no me importa ni mi opinión, imagínate la tuya

There are several Instagram captions in Spanish that can be used to make your followers aware of the fact that you are a strong person that does not care about others’ opinions.

If someone disrespects one of your Instagram posts, you can joke about it answering a veces no me importa ni mi opinión, imagínate la tuya.

This can be translated as ‘Sometimes I don’t care about my opinion, imagine how much I do not take yours into account’.

15. Ojalá en tu próxima vida, te reencarnes en papel higiénico

There are several funny insults in Spanish that may be used to curse someone that is not being polite to you.

Sometimes when you queue in a supermarket or you try to park in a busy area of your city, there is someone who thinks is more clever than you and ignores your waiting.

In these kind of situations, you can just tell them: ojalá en tu próxima vida, te reencarnes en papel higiénico, which means ‘I hope in your next life, you’ll be reincarnated in toilet paper’.

16. Eres más feo que pegar a un padre con un calcetín sudado

Funny Spanish quotes to joke about someone’s physical appearance should just be said when you know that you are not really going to hurt their self-esteem.

In fact, it is quite mean to attack something that people are not always fully responsible for.

If you have a close friend and you decide to insult him or her physically, you can say eres más feo que pegar a un padre con un calcetín sudado.

It is a funny expression that means ‘You are uglier than hitting your dad with a sweaty sock’.

17. Si se pusiera de moda ser gilipollas, tú no podrías con la fama

One of my favourite funny Spanish insults is si se pusiera de moda ser gilipollas, tú no podrías con la fama.

I just simply find it hilarious the way this saying allows you to tell someone that he or she is perfectly behaving like an asshole.

The translation of this quote is ‘If it got fashionable to be an asshole, you would be super famous’.

18. No te insulto, solo te defino brevemente

If you use some Spanish slang words to insult someone and he or she replies that you should not have done that, you can just say no te insulto, solo te defino brevemente.

The meaning of this Spanish quote is ‘I am not insulting you, I am just defining you briefly’.

19. Si la caca del whatsapp es feliz, tú también puedes serlo

Some of the worst Spanish insults were born when technology reached everybody.

One of the Spanish expressions related to instant messaging that can be used to mess with someone is si la caca del whatsapp es feliz, tú también puedes serlo.

These are a combination of encouraging and insulting words because it means that someone can be happy even though he or she is a shitty person.

20. Caracunda

Caracunda is one of the uncommon Spanish words that can be used to describe someone, whose ideas are rhetorical.

However, if they are not very educated people, they are not probably going to understand you.

That’s why you need to use this Spanish insult just when dealing with upper-class people.

21. Eres un caraculo

There are some funny Spanish phrases and insults that you will always hear in any children’s argument.

One of the most famous ones is eres un caraculo.

This is definitely a soft insult that just young boys and girls say seriously. 

22. Cagalindes

Some of the best Spanish insults are aimed to highlight the most negative aspects of someone.

Among all of them, choosing knowledgeable words will make you look superior.

Nevertheless, it is possible that those who you insult won’t understand you.

This is precisely what happens with cagalindes which means ‘coward’.

23. Te doy una hostia que te visto de torero

If you are wondering how do you say disrespectful in Spanish, you just have to learn the word maleducado.

One of the funniest Spanish expressions to be mean to someone is te doy una hostia que te visto de obrero, whose translation is ‘I will hit you and you will end up dressed like a bullfighter’.

24. Están volando hostias y se te está poniendo cara de aeropuerto

An original way to insult in Spanish is están volando hostias y se te está poniendo cara de aeropuerto.

This Spanish expression is similar to the previous one because both are aimed to let somebody know that his or her physical integrity is in danger because of inappropriate behaviour.

The translation of this saying is ‘Slaps are flying and you are getting an airport face’.

25. ¡Qué flipado!

Easy insults in Spanish are the most heard ones too.

This is precisely what happens with ¡Qué flipado!, which is something we say to those who think they are the best in everything they make.

26. Me cago en…

A very versatile Spanish curse saying is Me cago en…, which can be translated as ‘I shit on…’

The reason that explains that is the fact you can add the ending you want to this expression.

Depending on what you want to diss in Spanish about, you will finish it in one way or another.

If you need to learn some examples, the most heard ones are me cago en todo, which means ‘I shit on everything’ or me cago en ti, which equals ‘I shit on you’.

27. Niñato

One of the most common words to insult someone is niñato.

This can be translated as ‘childish’ and it is usually said when someone is behaving like a kid in situations in which maturity is required.

28. Más corto que la manga de un chaleco

When thinking about some of the Best Spanish idioms to diss in Spanish, más corto que la manga de un chaleco should come to your mind.

This can be translated as ‘You are shorter than the sleeves of a vest’.

In this context, short is a synonym for dumb.

29. Eres más pesado que una vaca en brazos

Some funny insulting words in Spanish you should definitely know are eres más pesado que una vaca en brazos.

The significance of this expression is ‘You are heavier than carrying a cow’.

30. Eres más raro que un perro verde

Some insults in Spanish are aimed to compare rare threats to animals and humans.

This is precisely what happens when you say eres más raro que un perro verde.

This expression means ‘You are weirder that a green dog’.

In this post, you have found 30 insults in Spanish that you should definitely know.

Although all of us want to live a quiet and happy life, sometimes certain people or events may stress us.

In these kinds of situations, remembering some Spanish insults may help you blow off some steam.

Nevertheless, it is better if you understand these mean things to say in Spanish but you never have to use them!

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